



在敘利亞邊界有1000 多萬難民,其中兒童有340 多萬人,要幫助難民兒童,不能只看到「難民」,要蹲下來從兒童的角度看到「孩子」。當拉米•阿德汗帶了大量的救難物資到達敘利亞時,兒童十分的歡喜,當看到物資後面的玩具時,孩子的眼睛亮了起來,非常雀躍。阿德汗這時知道為什麼他離開家時,他4歲的女兒茉莉,堅持要他帶上玩具送給小朋友,他的小女兒幫他上了一堂人生的課。難民除了物質的滿足外,還要有精神上的滋潤。這些玩具讓住在難民區的小孩子有嘉年華的感覺,讓他們在難民營中有春天的溫馨,這是這些小朋友一輩子最珍貴的禮物。



文/周進華  周大觀文教基金會創辦人 
2017年第20 屆全球熱愛生命獎章得主—貝里斯全盲英雄羅文﹒蓋爾(Rowan Garel),1998年6月5日出生於貝里斯,從小受惠於貝里斯視覺障礙協會(BCVI)的幫助,他特別懂得感恩,始終立志: 要把受助者,翻轉成幫助者。
雖然,羅文﹒蓋爾家境清寒,爸爸喬﹒蓋爾(Joe Garel) 是每天早出晚歸的木匠,媽媽米菈格﹒蓋爾(Milagro Garel)是全年無休的志工,姊姊艾莎﹒蓋爾(Aesha Garel)靠獎學金就學的大學生。尤其,貝里斯因受限天然環境(面積22966平方公里、多沼澤、常颶風)、人力資源(人口約36萬人),有中美洲最高的失業率9.4%,貧窮線以下的人口比例為33.5%,整個國家,依舊是依靠國際援助,以減少貧窮比例。但是,羅文﹒蓋爾始終化全盲為樂觀進取,每學期主動爭取擔任班長、環保小尖兵、說唱小老師,還年年保持品學兼優,大家總是為他翹起大拇指。

2011年3月,12歲的羅文﹒蓋爾,在父親喬﹒蓋爾陪同下,一步一艱辛,一階一血汗,3天3夜百折不回,終於登頂成功,成為中南美洲年紀最小的全盲者—攀越貝里斯最高峰維多利亞峰(Victoria peak)第一人,為貝里斯視障協會募得美金9萬元,添購了18套最先進的盲用電腦。


千年一愛  Love Once in A Thousand Years

■周大觀文教基金會創辦人 周進華

Chin-Hua Chou, Founder of Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation

There shall be no difference in terms of beauty or ugliness on children’s looks regardless of national boundaries and ages originally.
An“Arab spring” protest movement has evolved into a civil war lasting more than seven years in Syria where there is nothing but wilderness filled with suffering,dilapidated walls and homeless life.
3.4million children unable to attend school are crying in the land of wailing and despair, shouting for help among the dilapidated walls and screaming from their homeless life.

The Euphrates water is cold in autumn, Mount Hermon is snowy and cold in winter Children are the tears of the ruins, Children are the wounds of two generations, Where is the bright world?
Open the map of Middle East and you can find Syria, one of the civilization cradles of the world, which borders Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, Lebanon to the southwest, Israel and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. The original more than 10000 archaeological sites have turned into dust and ashes in the bombings time and time again. More than 18 million people used to live and work in peace and contentment; but as a result of the flames of wars one after another, 13.5 million people are in urgent need of rescue, 6 million people become destitute and homeless,5.4 million become refugees and 3.4 million children are unable to attend school.

The most praiseworthy is that Rami Adham, a Finnish Syrian, the Syrian Santa Claus and the winner of the 2017 Fervent Global Love of Lives Award of Chou Ta-Kuan Foundation, stood up and volunteered to help out of brotherly love. In spite of the rain of bullets and setting personal life and death aside, he has made 31 trips successively to Syria to send love to the war zones, including sending toys to the children, distributing the relief supplies to the refugees, building four schools with the raised fund and employing 100 teachers, allowing the refugee children to find hope from study.
Particularly, children understand each other the most. Rami Adham only planned to deliver the life necessities to the war zones originally, and then insisted on donating toys to the children in needed after persuaded by the innocence of Molly, his daughter less than 4 years old.

When Rami Adham was distributing the toys after distributing the life necessities to the refugees, children came from all directions and stood in long lines, turning the scene into a carnival like a “happy festival”. He finally understood the innocent persistence of his daughter. What these refugee children want is not just food and they also want a toy, a school and a chance to study.
拉米‧ 阿德汗匯集各界愛心,他每次通過敘利亞-土耳其邊界時,總是扛著超過80公斤的玩具,也讓他贏得「玩具走私客」的暱稱。
Gathering the charity donations from the loving people of all circles, Rami Adham always carried toys over 80kg to cross the Syria-Turkey border each time, which has also won him a nickname of “Toy Smuggler”.
In the war shadows, each picture of Syria is a kind of pathos. Only the smiles when hugging the toys touch the heart of everyone.

The bombings are so many that nobody knows they are from the United States, Russia, Turkey, NATO, Syrian government army, defiance army, Kurd or ISIS. Each time it is a tangled warfare and a heavy international punishment. The reason may be just, but in the end, the real suffers of the wars or punishment is a large group of the most innocent people, especially children.
Usually, those people the international powers want to punish most still possess the richest wealth and enjoy the most luxurious life in the world.
What makes us feel the hardest is this big group of the most innocent children who lose their relatives, schools and even lives and dignity as refugees since they are young, thus losing a whole generation of innocence.

In the poem for life in “Fruit-gathering” by Tagore, the unforgettable great Indian poet, it goes that “The wind is up, the sea is moaning. I leave all my cares and doubts to follow the homeless tide, for the Stranger calls me, he is going along the road.”
Only the life with poetic love and action of love deserves admiration.
We sincerely hope each of you to keep a copy of the “Toy Smuggler”. In addition to treasuring the hard-won peace even more, we should also bring more warmth to the children in the desert storms who are longing for toys and hoping to find hope from their study.
